This study aims to identifying the impact of spreading the behavioral
problems of the children ( the aggressive behavior ,
deconcentration ,hyper activity , fear and enuresis ) specially after the
aggressive war of Gaza , in the light of six variables : sex , place of living ,
martyring of one of the parents , the cultural background of parents ,the
size of the body injury and house demolition .
The questionnaire has been developed of (75 ) paragraphs to measure to the
impact of behavioral problems of the children .
This measurement was distributed to abnormal sample reached at ( 1124 )
male students and female ones from the primary schools of UNRWA in its
five educational areas , and the study aimed at answering these
questions :
1- What is the impact of the behavioral problems of the children in the
schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath ?
2- Are there static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children in the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
changing sex ( male , female ) ?
3- Are there static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children in the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
variable of martyring one of the parents ( father , mother ) ?
4- Are there static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children in the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
house demolition ( complete or partial ) ?
5- Are there static significance differences in the behavioral problems
of the children in the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
changing of body injury ( low – mid – high ) ?
6- Are there static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children in the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
cultural background ( mother , primary , elementary , secondary ,
university ) ?
7- Are there static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children in the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
changing of place ( North , Gaza , the Middle Areas and South ) ?
To test the validity of assumptions , the researcher used study of
percentages and test Altat Albaramitri ( Test – T ) one sample test , and
analysis of variance test ( One Way ANOVA ) and repetitions and
correlations coefficient of Superman aaaand Person ) , the study has
conducted at the following conclusions :
1- There are behavioral problems ( aggressive behavior , deconcentration ,
attention , hyper activity , fear and enuresis ) of the children of UNRWA
after Gaza Aftermath .
2- There are static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children of the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
changing of sex on behalf of males .
3- There are static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children of the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
changing of place of living on behalf of the people of North .
4- There are not statistically significant differences in the behavioral
problems of the children of the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath
due to the variable of martyring one of the parents .
5- There are static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children of the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
cultural background on behalf of the non – learned people .
6- There are static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children of the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to house
demolition on behalf of partial demolition .
7- There are static significance differences in the behavioral problems of
the children of the schools of UNRWA after Gaza Aftermath due to the
body injury on behalf of the mid injury .
In the light of the results of the study, the researcher studied several
recommendations and suggestions for parents, teachers, psychologists ,
educators and counselors, officials from the Education in Gaza Strip and
researchers in the field of psychology and counseling, and curriculum
developers need to pay attention to the indicative programmers and basic
requirements aimed to develop the capacity of students ( elementary
stage ) , developing the aiming counseling programmers to put an end to
these behavioral problems , urging them to cater for the preparation of
individual integrated in all aspects of psychological, social, physical and
cognitive mental, unable to adapt to the difficult circumstances and the
problems of life of the suffering Palestinian child .

ملخص الدراسة
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي التعرف علي مستوي انتشار المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال ( السلوك
العدواني ، تشتت الانتباه والحركة الزائدة ، الخوف ، التبول الاارداي ) وخصوصًا بعد الحرب
الهمجية علي غزة ، في ضوء ست متغيرات هي: الجنس، مكان السكن، استشهاد أحد الوالدين،
و المستوي التعليمي للوالدين، حجم الإصابة الجسدية، وهدم المنزل، ، وقد تم تطوير استبانة من
75 ) فقرة لقياس مستوي المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال ، كما تم توزيع هذه الاستبانة علي )
عينة عشوائية عنقودية بلغت ( 1124 ) طالب وطالبة من المدارس الابتدائية التابعة لوكالة
الغوث الدولية بمناطقها التعليمية الخمس ، وقد حاولت الدراسة الإجابة علي التساؤلات التالية:
*ما المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال بمدارس وكالة الغوث بعد حرب غزة ؟
ويتفرع عن السؤال الرئيس الأسئلة الفرعية التالية:
1. ما مستوى شيوع المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال بمدارس وكالة الغوث بعد حرب غزة ؟
2. هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال بمدارس وكالة
الغوث بعد حرب غزة تعزى لمتغير الجنس ( ذكر، أنثي ) ؟
3. هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال بمدارس وكالة
الغوث بعد حرب غزة تعزي لمتغير استشهاد أحد الوالدين ( الأب ، الأم )؟
4. هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال بمدارس وكالة
الغوث بعد حرب غزة تعزى لمتغير هدم المنزل ( كلي ، جزئي )؟
5. هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في المشكلات السلوكية لدي الأطفال بمدارس وكالة
الغوث بعد حرب غزة تعزى لمتغير التعرض لإصابة جسدية ( بسيطة ، متوسطة ، خطيرة) ؟

تحميل الرسالة كاملة
