This study investigated the effectiveness of a proposed program in
developing the nonverbal communication skills of a sample of autistic children in
Riyadh and its subsequent effects on their social behavior. The study sample
consisted of (38) autistic the age of whom ranged from (4-6) years, The sample
was divided in to an expermental group consisting of (18) children and a control
group consisting of (20) children. To achive the purpose of the study, the
researcher develop a scale to rate the following nonverbal communication skills:
joint attention, visual communication, imitayion, listining and understanding,
pointing to desired objects, and understanding facial expressions. The researcher
also develop a scale to measure social behavior and the program aimed at
developing nonverbal communication skills.
The finding of this study could be summarized as follows: There were
statistically significant differences in nonverbal communication skills between
the expermental group and the control group favoring the expermental group.
And tere were no statistically significant differences in appropriate social
behavior between the expermental group and the control group, but there were
statistically significant differences in inappropriate social behavior between the
expermental group and the control group favoring the expermental group.

