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الصحة النفسية علم النفس الطب النفسي

descriptionجودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين  منى توكل السيد Emptyجودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين منى توكل السيد

جودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات
لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين
منى توكل السيد
أستاذ التربية الخاصة المساعد - قسم العلوم التربوية
كلية التربية بالزلفي- جامعة المجمعة-السعودية
ملخص البحث:
في الآونة الأخيرة، ظهر الاهتمام بالطلاب الموهوبين، من ذوي الإعاقات؛ الأمر الذي أدى إلى الاهتمام بالتعرف على مواطن القوة والإبداع والموهبة لديهم، والكشف عن هذه القدرات الاستثنائية، وتطويرها، واستثمارها، وتوجيهها في الاتجاه الصحيح، بما يعود بالفائدة على الطالب، وأسرته، ومدرسته، ومجتمعه. وقد هدف البحث الحالي إلى الكشف عن الفروق بين الطلاب الصم الموهوبين، وأقرانهم الصم غير الموهوبين، في جودة الحياة، ومفهوم الذات؛ والكشف عن الفروق بين الذكور والإناث منهم، في جودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات. كما هدف إلى معرفة العلاقة بين كل من جودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات، وقد تكونت عينة البحث من (54) طالبا وطالبة، من مدرسة (الأمل للصم وضعاف السمع)، بمدينة (المنصورة)، بمحافظة (الدقهلية)، منهم (27) من الصم الموهوبين، و(27) من الصم غير الموهوبين. وقد استجابت كامل العينة لمقياس جودة الحياة للصم، ومقياس مفهوم الذات للصم، من إعداد الباحثة، وباستخدام اختبار (مان - ويتني Mann-Whitney) لعينتين مستقلتين، ومعامل ارتباط بيرسون (Person- Correlation). أشارت نتائج البحث إلى ما يلي:
- وجود فروق دالة إحصائيّا بين الطلاب الصم الموهوبين، وأقرانهم الصم غير الموهوبين، على مقياس جودة الحياة بجميع أبعاده؛ وذلك في صالح الصم الموهوبين تعزى لمتغير الموهبة.
- وجود فروق دالة إحصائيّا بين الطلاب الصم الموهوبين، وأقرانهم الصم غير الموهوبين، على مقياس مفهوم الذات، بجميع أبعاده، وذلك في صالح الصم الموهوبين تعزى لمتغير الموهبة.
- وجود فروق دالة إحصائيّا بين الذكور والإناث من الصم الموهوبين، في جميع أبعاد جودة الحياة، وذلك في صالح الذكور، فيما عدا بُعد التقبل الذاتي؛ إذ لم يتضح فيه وجود فروق دالة إحصائيّا.
- وجود فروق دالة إحصائيّا بين الذكور والإناث من الصم الموهوبين في مفهوم الذات؛ وذلك في صالح الذكور.
- وجود علاقة ارتباطية دالة موجبة، بين جودة الحياة، ومفهوم الذات، لدى الصم الموهوبين.

descriptionجودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين  منى توكل السيد Emptyرد: جودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين منى توكل السيد

Quality of Life and Self-Concept for
a Sample of Gifted Deaf Students

Dr. Mona Tawakkul Elsayed
Assistant Prof. of Special Education
ElZulfy College of Education for Girls
Majmaah University - Saudi Arabia
In recent years, attention is paid to gifted students with disabilities. This care lead to recognize points of strength, creativity, talent and discovering, developing, investing and giving these exceptional the right direction for the benefit of student, family, school, society. This study aimed at identifying the differences between gifted-deaf students and their nongifted, deaf peers in quality of life and self-concept; determining gender differences between (males and females) gifted-deaf in quality of life and self concept. It also aimed at identifying the relation between both quality of life and self-concept. The instruments of the study are "Quality of life scale for deaf" and" Self concept scale for deaf ".By using Mann –Whitney test for two independent samples and Person-Correlation in (54) students from AL-Amal School for the Deaf and Hard of hearing in Mansoura, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. The sample was divided into (27) gifted-deaf and (27) nongifted- deaf students. Findings indicated that:
- There are significant differences between gifted, deaf students and their nongifted, deaf peers in self-concept in favor to gifted, deaf students due to gift variable.
- There are significant differences between gifted- deaf students and their nongifted, deaf peers in quality of life in favor to gifted deaf students, due to gift variable.
- There are significant differences between male and female gifted-deaf students in all quality of life scale dimensions in favor to males; except the self acceptance there was no significant differences.
- There are significant differences between male and female gifted-deaf students in self concept in favor to males.
- There is a significant correlation between quality of life and self concept for gifted-deaf students.

Quality of Life and Self-Concept for
a Sample of Gifted Deaf Students

Dr. Mona Tawakkul Elsayed
Assistant Prof. of Special Education
ElZulfy College of Education for Girls
Majmaah University - Saudi Arabia
Recently, the concern for the gifted students with disabilities, who are often called "twice exceptional" or "dual exceptionalities" has emerged, which has led to the endeavor to identify the dimensions of strength, innovation and talent in the students with disabilities, particularly as the focus was – previously- on dimensions of deficiency and inability in them.
In fact, this concern has not been manifested till it was scientifically proven that gift has nothing to do with disability since gift is inherent in every individual regardless of his disability. In addition, the disabled person with versatile gifts in various fields, either in sport, or art, etc, will be revealed somehow. This proves that the gift controls that person and guides him towards a specific objective. As interest in gifted and talented students is imperative in any academic society, due to the presence of a group of students, who have extra normal capacities in various areas and, according to modern concepts and definitions of giftedness that require the identification of these special capabilities, develop, invest, and guide them in the right direction, for the benefit of the student, his family, school, and society (Jubilee, 2009).
Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to those gifted students from the special needs category (disabled); since most care forms presented for those with disabilities sprang from the standpoint of their being disabled, rather than the fact that they enjoy gifts, requiring increased attention and care for this category as they are gifted, on the one hand, and disabled on the other hand. Due care is even more important when dealing with the hearing impairment category (Ahmed, 2011). One of the important characteristics, which must be addressed for this group, is self concept, which determines the nature of the relationship between the individual and himself, and with others, thus leading to adapt with oneself and others. Amongst the significant dimensions that must be investigated and given its due care on account of its novelty and relevance in the psychological heritage, is the concept of life quality. That concept has emerged to reflect the extent to which the individual in general, and the disabled in particular, enjoys his life, including all its dimensions.
Doubtless, the impact of disability on the individual and society necessitates and imposes the attention to research on how to avoid it via preventing its occurrence, avoiding its causes, and reducing the effects of physical, psychological, and social consequences whenever they occur. This is achieved through improving the quality of life, through the identification of gifted people, focusing on them, encouraging them to engage in social activities and fostering their unusual talents and abilities. Meanwhile, hearing impairment is one of the sensory disability patterns, which does not allow those gifted people, who suffer from it, to perform certain behaviors that reflect their gifts and their distinctiveness. Therefore, we observe their lack of participation and social activities, which are the factors that make the gifted deaf, suffer from low self-esteem, and thus, deficiency of life quality.
Hence, it is clear that hearing disability affects students' lives, at different age stages for both sexes, taking into account that this impairment influences the student's social growth, and limits his interaction and participation with others in various life activities, and thus his integration into society (Hampton, 1999). Consequently, this negatively affects his social adjustment, his acquisition of skills necessary for life, as well as the emotional problems afflicting him. (Goode, 2000). Therefore, individuals with hearing impairment- and the deaf in particular- have distinctive characteristics that distinguish them from the normal, they are apt to solitude, and are emotionally imbalanced, self-centered with inadequate social communication. Because they lack of ability to communicate with others, they need more to sense the quality of life and satisfaction as it yields benevolent positive psycho-social results on their morale. (Abdul-Rahman, 2008).
Self concept for the disabled in general, and those with hearing impairment in particular, is considered one of the concepts which are obviously and directly affected by disability with all the social, cognitive, and developmental constraints it inflicts upon the disabled. It is reflected in his ability to be psychologically and socially adapted and also affects his proper development in various fields of life, which convinces us that the hearing impairment influences the self concept for hearing-impaired students. Studies have proved a decline in their self concept (Rushdie, 2007). In addition, we find out that these deaf gifted people who have extra normal interest in some areas. This often reveals their special capabilities, serves as strengths that reflect their distinctiveness and their talent in these areas, which would-if properly trained in such areas, and well guided to develop them - help refine their skills. Accordingly, when we provide the appropriate guidance, vocational training and appropriate rehabilitation programs, they will be able to subsequently develop the abilities, gifts, and reach self-realization. This helps them to reach adequate levels of personal and social adjustment.
Henceforth, the idea of this research has emerged, namely, to identify the impact of gift on the quality of life, and self concept for the deaf, that category which has not been paid - up till now-the adequate care and attention, which support their gifts, and help to highlight, and benefit from them. The results of such a research are considered from factors which facilitate the access for educators and those concerned with the gifted including these students. It serves to take advantage of their abilities, work on their development, improvement, and guidance.
Research problem:
There is no doubt that the goal of any society is prospecting for the gifted, developing their talents, and improving the quality of life for these individuals, especially those with disabilities. Bearing in mind that being gifted, they constantly need, like their normal peers, to be discovered, identified, provided with the detection methods, and provide appropriate auspice for their abilities and potential due to its positive impact on the quality of life, sense of happiness, satisfaction, mental health, and the positive self concept.
Despite the growing interest in improving the quality of life for the disabled in general, the goal is still unclear, especially in the way it is achieved for the deaf, in particular, as we find them suffer from a decline in the quality of life. So many studies have confirmed the low quality of life for the hearing-impaired, which results in many problems, such as anxiety, social isolation, loneliness, loss of life meaning, in addition to the lack of social relationships, and emotional imbalance. (Abdul-Rahman, 2008). It is needless to say that individuals with hearing impairment have a unique psychological profile which distinguishes them from other normal ones, and also from other special needs categories, which is why they tend to be isolated individuals from those who hear, whom they cannot understand. They are the majority who are not fluent in the dealing language with deaf people. Hence, it is not surprising that they tend to take up professions, which do not require a lot of social communication such as carpentry, blacksmithing, manual crafts, and other crafts (Al-Rousan, 1989). At the same time, many studies and foreign researches, such as the study of Hampton (1999) confirmed that the degree of disability, individual incompetence, and social support, are vital parameters to the quality of life of those with disabilities. "Limburg study (1995) concluded that there is a positive significant relationship between the hearing disability and social interaction. At the same context, the study of "Dalton and his colleague (2003) proven that individuals with medium - profound hearing loss lack the daily living activities.
For all these reasons, the role of giftedness is manifested as its development helps to develop social interaction skills, reduces the isolation experienced by deaf, lowers their being self-centered and their low self-esteem. In this way, life will be meaningful for them. Some studies, such as (Berg 2005; Abdel-Qader 2005) have concluded that disabled life quality can be improved through the provision of some programs, that serve to increase their participation in daily life activities, as well as qualifying them for the acquisition of special skills, to lessen the impact of disability.
So, we can say that encouraging and nurture talent of the deaf, serves to reduce the negative effects for the surrounding social environment in general, and the coexistence and satisfaction of the deaf with his disability, in particular. The gift also works on communication development, social support and cognitive reconstruction. It positively contributes to improving the quality of their lives, ease their integration into society, in addition to being able to get over their problems, and psychological negative behaviors in their lives, such as the tendency to isolation, anxiety, etc.
As far as researcher knows, there no previous study was conducted on the quality of life, and self concept for the gifted deaf. Therefore; it has become necessary to highlight the study dimensions i.e. quality of life, and self concept for the gifted deaf. Realizing how urgent the need is to address this issue, the present study research is conducted to emphasize its importance. Henceforth, the research problem, can be summed up in the following question:

descriptionجودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين  منى توكل السيد Emptyرد: جودة الحياة ومفهوم الذات لدى عينة من الطلاب الصم الموهوبين منى توكل السيد


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