قدمت هذه الرسالة استكما ً لا لمتطلبات درجة الدكتوراة
العالمية St. Clements في جامعة
التخصص : علم الاجتماع
إعداد الطالبة : هناء العابد
بإشراف الأستاذ الدكتور : أديب عقيل

فهرس المحتويات
مقدمة .........................................................................................
الفصل الأول : منهجية الدراسة : ..............................................................................
أو ً لا : مشكلة الدراسة .............................................................................................
ثانيًا : أهمية الدراسة ...............................................................................................
ثالثًا : مبررات الدراسة ...............................................................................
رابعًا: أهداف الدراسة ...............................................................................................
خامسًا: الدراسات السابقة ...............................................................................................
سادسًا : تساؤلات الدراسة .................................................................................................
سابعًا : منهج الدراسة ..........................
الفصل الثاني : خصائص التنشئة الاجتماعية ومؤسساتها : .......................................................
أو ً لا : مفهوم التنشئة الاجتماعية .....................................................................................
ثانيًا : أنواع التنشئة الاجتماعية ...............................................................................
ثالثًا : المؤسسات الاجتماعية المؤثرة بالتنشئة الاجتماعية ..........................................................
رابعًا : أساسيات التنشئة الاجتماعية ...........................................................................
خامسًا : آليات التنشئة الاجتماعية .....................................................................
لفصل الثالث : التفكير الإبداعي وأهميته في تطوير حياة الأفراد والمجتمعات : ...................
أو ً لا : معنى الإبداع ...............................................................................................
ثانيًا : التفكير الإبداعي والمبدعون ..........................................................................
ثالثًا : مف علات التفكير الإبداعي ......................................
الفصل الرابع : التنشئة الاجتماعية والتفكير الإبداعي : ...............................................................
أو ً لا : العلاقة بين التفكير الإبداعي والتنشئة الاجتماعية .............................................................
ثانيًا : معوقات التفكير الإبداعي الناتجة عن الأساليب التربوية للتنشئة الاجتماعية ............
ثالثًا : التطوير الشخصي للتفكير الإبداعي ومواجهة معوقاته في التنشئة الاجتماعية .........
رابعًا : التطوير التربوي للتفكير الإبداعي ومواجهة معوقاته في التنشئة الاجتماعية .........
خامسًا : المرأة وتطوير التفكير الإبداعي ........................................................................
الفصل الخامس : الدراسة الميدانية : ...........................................................................
أو ً لا : إجراءات الدراسة الميدانية ................................................................
ثانيًا : أدوات جمع البيانات ........................................................................................
ثالثًا : مجتمع البحث والعينة ..............................................................................................
رابعًا : متغيرات الدراسة الميدانية ................................................................................
خامسًا : الدراسة الإحصائية .................................................................................................
سادسًا : تحليل البيانات وتفسيرها ......................................................................
سابعًا : النتائج العامة والمقترحات .............................................................................
المراجع .................................
الملحق ....................
(Thesis Abstract) ملخص البحث باللغة الإنجليزية

Creativity results from a developed way of thinking that can provide people with
sophisticated methods for thinking and solving problems. Obtaining such a way
starts very early in our lives, ever since we were small infants receiving signals
that trains us how to think and behave by our surroundings. The process of
getting such training continues through out our lives, yet its foundation is laid in
our early childhood, which makes it a crucial stage.
Furthermore, obtaining such training in childhood is by no means an easy
process. It involves many institutions, and each of them leave their traces in the
thinking of young people, and they carry it to all their lives. In general, our
ability to think is much affected by many factors, mainly by the social
environment in which we are brought up. It is, therefore, essential that we
study such effect, and research on the possibility of enhancing its positive
aspects and reducing its negative impact, if any.
This thesis studies the background of building up creative thinking and how the
social upbringing affects it. It attempts at highlighting the hidden parts of our

upbringing during this present time, generally in the Arab world, and particularly
in Syria. This is done with the aim of enabling us avoid the negative impact that
blurs our free thinking, and to crystallize the constructive impact and effective
habits of thinking in preparation of creativity.
After studying many previously conducted researches, it became evident that
only few of them have dealt with such an important issue. Moreover, those few
ones did not go into the depths or the under‐surface factors of how the
upbringing of young people could actually distort the way they become creative
or use creativity.
As the Japanese proverb states: Giving a man a fish feeds him for a day, but
teaching him to fish feeds him for the rest of his life. I believe that if we help
young people, who are the future of all nations, understand the problems in
their upbringing in terms of preventing creativity, we would be addressing a
major issue in their lives. Parents and teachers also need to be educated on
such a subject, so they would enable the youth and support them in succeeding.
In fact, all parties would be able to face any problem, as long as they are
thinking of developing their lives.
Personally, I feel quite awful when I witness the painful consequences that
young men and women in the Syrian society suffer from, as a result of not being
able to make use of their creativity. Sometimes, they wouldn’t even understand
what went wrong, and they would probably repeat the mistakes of their
surroundings. There is a necessity for us to open our eyes and look behind the
scenes for the real reasons of problems. Otherwise, we shouldn’t call our selves
thinking creatures, and failure will remain our friend.
This research is divided into five chapters inn 267 pages, written in the Arabic

Chapter One: The first chapter starts with an introduction of the thesis subject
and how it touches the lives of so many in the Syrian society. This is followed by
an idea about the importance of the study along with a justification for carrying
it out, namely the need for creative thinking to solve problems. Consequently,
the youth lose chances of developing their lives and the lives of their families.
A special paragraph is then devoted for the objectives of the study. It aims at
raising awareness on the subject of creativity and the factors that affect it,
namely the negative methods of upbringing that cause serious faults of thinking.
Thus, it aims to discuss with parents and teachers means for discovering and
reducing the negative effect of shallow and mistaken methods of upbringing, in
order to embrace a deeper level of problem analysis and thorough thinking. For
this end, the study discusses some point to shed some light on the matter. It
also aims at providing a realistically current view of young Syrian people’s
opinions and attitudes by means of a field survey that provides statistical data
on them and their socially affected ideas and views. The final objective of the
research is to present survey outcomes and some suggestions on the subject at
The questions that the study attempts to answer are as follows:
Main Questions:
What is the effect of social upbringing, as represented in the family, education,
religion, peers and media, on the creativity of Syrian youths?
Does this upbringing make hindering barriers before creativity?
What are the suggested solutions for this problem?
Sub‐questions :
1‐ What is the standard of the youth for measuring the ability to think
2‐ What is the effect of the parents’ level of education, work, and view of
life on their children’s ability to think creatively?
3‐ Do the youth believe that their educational institution has given them the
tools required for creative thinking?
4‐ Do the youth believe that the religious institution they belong to has
enabled them to think creatively?
5‐ What are the educational methods that the youth take as obstacles
before creative thinking?
6‐ How can the effect of such hindering obstacles be reduced?
7‐ What’s the expected damage of not addressing problems affecting
8‐ Are there any differences among males and females in terms of
The chapter ends with an illustration of the methodology used in this research,
and the general structure it follows.
Chapter Two: The second chapter is entitled “Characteristics of Social
Upbringing and Contributing Institutions”. It includes a detailed presentation of
the concept of social upbringing, kinds of social upbringing, institutions of social
upbringing contributing to it, foundation of social upbringing, and mechanisms
of social upbringing. A comprehensive illustration on each of the five main
institutions is attempted, namely family, educational institutions, religious
institutions, peers/public opinion, and media.
Chapter Three: The third chapter is entitled “Importance of Creative Thinking in
Developing Lives of Individuals and Societies”. It starts with outlining the
meaning of creativity, characteristics of creative people, and motivations for
Chapter Four: The forth chapter is entitled “Social Upbringing and Creativity”. It
starts with the relationship between creativity and social upbringing. Then, the
obstacles of creativity that result from social upbringing are discussed. This is
followed by personal and educational ways of development of ability of
creativity. The chapter ends with a section on the relationship between gender
and creativity.
Chapter Five: The last chapter of the research is entitled “The Field Survey”. It
uses a descriptive analytical methodology to present the statistical results of a
questionnaire that has been carried out in Damascus. The chapter includes an
illustration of the plan used for carrying out such a field opinion poll, tools for
gathering information, sampling, variables, statistical method, statistical
distribution, data analysis, data interpretation, outcomes and suggestions.
The questionnaire aimed at gathering the views and ideas of 10٠ young Syrian
men and women, between the age of 15 and 30, on their ability to be creative
and the effect of social upbringing on their creativity. The 56 questions in the
poll were chosen accurately and with specialized consultation in order to be
reflective and correctly indicative of the points of importance in the research.
Some of the outcomes and suggestions that resulted from the opinion poll are
as follows.
1‐ Creativity: It is a mental operation intended for problem solving. Syrian
youths have the ability of being creative and they should be encouraged to
be the best they can be.
2‐ The Role of Family in Upbringing: Since family plays an essential role in the
formation of young people's ways of thinking and personalities, starting a
family requires being equipped with the needed information on several
subjects, including upbringing of children


